How to play
As part of the ER Champ competition, for the online qualifying stage you will be playing a cooperative point-and-click escape room game. During the gameplay, you move and interact with the world by clicking in the indicated spots where you search for objects, solve puzzles and influence the environment in various ways. Your goal is to achieve 100% completion.
To participate, you must have a team. All qualifications and final games require a team of minimum 2 and maximum 4 people. You can learn about how to set up or join a team on the page linked below.
The situation is different with stress test games. One person is often enough to play that game. This is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the system yourself, at your own pace. You will find all the relevant information on the page of the respective game.
Check out how to create a teamComputer and browser
To play ER Champ games, you need a computer and a web browser. Our games are not designed to be played on mobile devices. To avoid technical problems, make sure your browser is updated to the latest version. Before the actual competition starts, double-check if the game works well on your configuration. During the game each team member should play on their own device.

1 - Game screen
The game world is displayed here. The rooms and areas you visit contain all the puzzles and items needed to solve the game; players solve puzzles only within this interface and no external knowledge is needed.
2 - Movement
They are used to move around rooms (left, right and down). The down arrow is used to go back.
3 - Notifications
They usually show up in response to player actions. They help in finding out, for example, whether the correct answer was given. Or display a bad joke, which we like to think we're good at!
4 - Answer field
Here you should enter answers to puzzles that appear during the game. Answers can consist of any characters, and the letters will never be case-sensitive.
5 - Progress bar
It shows what stage of the level you are at. It allows you to estimate how much of the game is still ahead of you.
6 - Color theme
You can use the switch to decide whether to play in light or dark mode.
7 - Equipment
Items collected during the gameplay are displayed here. Next to each item are three buttons for interacting with it: "Use the item" (the first icon from the top), "Combine with another item" (the second), and "View the item" (the third). To use an item, select the first icon, then click the place on the screen where you want to use it. To combine two items from the current inventory, use the item combination button (middle) by one of the items, then click the second item. Both of these actions can also be performed by dragging the selected inventory items onto each other. Keep in mind, however, that dragging may prove not accurate enough when interacting with the game screen.
Keyboard shortcuts
Left arrow or A
View to the left - if possible with this action.
Right arrow or D
View to the right - if possible with this action.
Down arrow or S
Used to go back.
Tilde ~
Used to activate/deactivate the answer field.
Highlights the first or next item from the inventory to use (inventory item).
Highlights the previous item from the inventory for use.
Space bar
Opens a magnification of the currently highlighted item.
Space bar / esc
Closes the preview of the item.
Additional info
Click traces
When a minimum of two players are in the same view, one player can see the actions of the other (circular mouse click marks).
Game changes
When a player affects the game state, the change automatically appears to all teammates as well. For example: when one player enters a code that causes a door to open, the game will update for other players - the door will open for the whole team.
Correctness information
If a minimum of two players are on a view of a puzzle with an answer field, they see each other's attempts. A red password indicates an incorrect answer, while a green one indicates a correct answer.
Equipment synchronization
Inventory is synchronized automatically across all players: no need to click anything to update.
Separation of players
In some levels, players may be separated. During this time they will not be treated as they were in different rooms, so their equipment may differ.
Excessive clicking
It is worth remembering that actions of all players of one team are processed by the game sequentially. Too many clicks at once by multiple players may slow down the game for the whole team. It's a good idea to take care of proper communication during the game and not to click blindly.