Official results of the ER Champ 2022 qualifications
Qualifications for the next edition of the World Escape Room Championship, or ER Champ 2022, took place on November 5, 2022 at 16:00 UTC. This year, several hundred teams, consisting of 2 to 4 players, competed for the title of the world's best team. The best of them qualified for the finals and will fight for the title of this year's world champions.
As our tradition dictates, we announce the results after the expiration of the complaint period and after a thorough analysis of the game logs, which we carry out to qualified teams playing against the rules. The first 100 teams qualified for the finals. Below are their times and abbreviations of their countries of origin. Teams from further places fit into the regulation game time, which was 4 hours from the start of the competition.
- 6 keys - US 01:06:14
- Les Wyrds - FR 01:12:37
- FAR EAST SOLVERS - JP 01:16:46
- La Compagnie Keyhole - CA 01:17:03
- United Discord - US 01:23:32
- KAMT - JP 01:23:59
- GC NOVA - JP 01:24:31
- peeposad - PL 01:25:39
- Poziomki i Elo - PL 01:27:16
- Team Prospect - US 01:27:46
- FOXJAPAN - JP 01:27:59
- yup it is a real team - US 01:30:10
- TtOAS x Midnight Quests - GB 01:32:58
- Locurio - US 01:35:35
- Un Trésor à Paris - FR 01:38:33
- EGM - US 01:39:15
- Hello are you hungry - TW 01:46:01
- Les Boulets - FR 01:46:01
- Apocalypse3K - PL 01:46:40
- Join Our Guild - JP 01:48:16
- CoToZaRoznica - PL 01:48:56
- Dzikie Koty - PL 01:49:28
- 4 koty - PL 01:49:34
- Escapinality - US 01:49:52
- Mel Force One - PL 01:50:56
- TempraSamrai - JP 01:52:46
- Die Freunde der Nullflaschen - DE 01:53:09
- RIDDLER_SUSHI - JP 01:54:00
- Ewarsaw Eagles - PL 01:54:38
- Flegmatyczne Foki - PL 01:55:12
- KKDOS_UNKO - JP 01:56:03
- Merkantylizm - PL 01:56:14
- CKCOS - TW 01:56:43
- Hydra - JP 01:57:05
- Escaping the Closet - GB 01:59:19
- Great Cat Saurus - JP 01:59:28
- Seyssin8 - FR 01:59:36
- BCS - PL 02:01:56
- Team Squared - GB 02:03:20
- esca[pi]ng - US 02:03:25
- Alkohol Zegz Ssagatki - PL 02:03:31
- Poptartpuzzles - US 02:04:32
- Zespół PLEH - PL 02:04:53
- Dopimino - PL 02:06:07
- Galijuduno - RW 02:06:43
- 限界 - JP 02:07:03
- TEAM MAY - JP 02:08:01
- SPIRIT BEASTS - JP 02:08:16
- x'; UPDATE results SET win = 1 WHERE name = 'x'; SELECT ' - PL 02:08:47
- Hardnuts_rikei - JP 02:08:58
- Knuciki - PL 02:09:12
- Czochracze - PL 02:10:30
- Yakisoba - JP 02:11:30
- Pokojowo Nastawieni - PL 02:11:45
- C-lock-row - JP 02:12:26
- Agata wymyśl fajną nazwę teamu, żeby nie było jak ostatnio - PL 02:12:45
- PierroGang - PM 02:12:55
- Honte - PL 02:13:25
- Perlatorzy - PL 02:13:29
- White Maria - SG 02:14:42
- Prawowici Mistrzowie 2k19 - PL 02:15:12
- Nazwa Teamu - CH 02:16:11
- Zagadkowcy - PL 02:16:26
- TFMLS - PL 02:17:16
- Shungyo - JP 02:17:29
- The Ropers - PL 02:19:03
- Najgorzej - PL 02:20:46
- Munsterowo - PL 02:21:01
- A Rat with Feet - GB 02:21:12
- nadzwyczajne każuale - PL 02:21:27
- Antosie - PL 02:23:00
- SHIBUMAC - JP 02:23:20
- We will see who joins - SK 02:23:33
- Comment est votre blanquette - FR 02:24:44
- チーム - JP 02:25:07
- DrinkTeam - PL 02:25:08
- Biedni Studenci - PL 02:25:17
- Cuties - US 02:26:36
- Alohomora! - PL 02:28:08
- In vest igators - PL 02:28:39
- Borysa już z nami nie ma - PL 02:28:43
- Pszemki - PL 02:29:39
- espejsrum - PL 02:30:11
- Skejprum - PL 02:31:05
- BanderozaMasters - PL 02:31:07
- Waiting For a Naptime - PL 02:31:08
- Team Paul's Clever Name - US 02:31:53
- TEAMLOST - PL 02:32:04
- Missing: escape team - IT 02:32:29
- General beginner's - JP 02:32:29
- IQ Team - PL 02:32:41
- Uciekinierzy z San Escobar - PL 02:32:57
- DROP Database; - PL 02:33:32
- Króliczki Łukaszka - PL 02:34:47
- SMAP - JP 02:34:54
- Koalas Mauves / Codex / Patatentacule - CA 02:35:16
- Le Rond Point - FR 02:35:52
- Waltz Tango Foxtrot - US 02:35:58
- K-dush2 MOKA - JP 02:36:12
- Zagadkowi Koneserzy - PL 02:36:31
- #fitgeeks - PL 02:37:02
- LyonBreak - FR 02:37:08
- Escape Rumours - US 02:37:11
- Ostry na cienkim - PL 02:37:25
- Jazda bez trzymanki - PL 02:38:39
- Po prostu Farsz - PL 02:38:44
- Zmęczeni życiem - PL 02:39:03
- Drużyna suchara - PL 02:39:05
- KNC - JP 02:39:24
- Pandy w Kwiatki - PL 02:39:37
- HecticPuzzlers - FR 02:40:20
- jemy właśnie sushi - PL 02:40:40
- Cat's Eyes - FR 02:41:29
- Tumbleweed - JP 02:41:40
- Les foufous d'énigmes - FR 02:41:58
- Hercules - JP 02:42:08
- Laserowe Jednorożce - PL 02:42:38
- Kompot - PL 02:42:49
- mother and sons team <3 - CA 02:43:16
- Żółwie ninja - PL 02:44:14
- Fighting Ferrets - US 02:44:39
- Mrożony Szatan - PL 02:44:41
- kluseczki - PL 02:44:53
- Długołęczanie i Długołęczanki - PL 02:46:27
- Łódzki Klub Uciekinierów - PL 02:46:57
- Kapcie 1.0 - PL 02:48:12
- Frescape Team - PL 02:48:38
- Departed Immortals - PL 02:50:14
- Jagomalin - PL 02:50:51
- Cztery mróweczki - PL 02:51:28
- Zwykli wyrobnicy - PL 02:51:37
- Smoczy Jeździec i Przyjaciele - PL 02:51:43
- Anonymous - FR 02:53:15
- Pokromcy kudek - PL 02:53:24
- Otterpuss - US 02:54:14
- The Wagner Wagon - US 02:54:42
- JoBoTS - US 02:55:04
- Okoń - PL 02:56:32
- Brute Force - PL 02:56:35
- Bring Your Own Keys - PL 02:56:35
- POKER ROOM - JP 02:57:05
- HANSAMU - JP 02:57:57
- [ESC]-iści - PL 02:58:22
- Baby Yodas Are We - PL 02:58:39
- Les Démo Jouets - FR 02:59:06
- HMOCH - PL 02:59:57
- kimchi - CA 03:01:20
- Orka Przymierza - PL 03:01:43
- Ngargersiul - PL 03:02:48
- Los Kotitos - PL 03:03:28
- Les Gorgônes - FR 03:03:51
- Hierarchia - PL 03:05:04
- The Last Stand - PL 03:05:53
- Koneserzy Popcornu - PL 03:05:59
- Latający Cyrk na Kółkach - PL 03:06:56
- Kapcie 2.0 - PL 03:07:27
- Team Bluefish et al - US 03:07:29
- Trutnie - PL 03:07:31
- Szalone Trapery - PL 03:07:55
- Cat Outside the Box - PL 03:08:45
- Zagadkowe Żabki - PL 03:09:22
- Słudzy Beliara - PL 03:11:48
- @@@ - PL 03:12:27
- MessHall PuzLyf - US 03:12:44
- Average HoMM3 Enjoyers - PL 03:13:14
- Może teraz się uda - PL 03:13:18
- Wszystko jedno - PL 03:14:04
- Lunch Eryka - PL 03:15:57
- Delta Szwadron Super Cool Komando Wilków Alfa - PL 03:17:38
- ESCAPETHEROOMers - US 03:18:40
- EscapeTheReality - PL 03:20:08
- testowa - PL 03:20:08
- ERR - DK 03:20:15
- Tinned Peaches - GB 03:20:27
- Team Focaccia - PL 03:21:04
- CHAMPions - PL 03:22:05
- Rahmen the Great - JP 03:22:17
- Gang Huncwotów 🦸♀️🧙🙍♂️🙎 - PL 03:22:31
- Drowsy Daybreaks - JP 03:23:34
- Wolnomyśliciele - PL 03:24:11
- Option A - PL 03:24:21
- Ziomki Nestusi - PL 03:24:35
- Anne and the Grumpies(t) - PL 03:24:49
- Hunky-dory - PL 03:25:33
- Kolonia Karna - PL 03:25:55
- Kalashnikov - PL 03:26:18
- Niezdecydowani - PL 03:26:39
- cybercats - GB 03:27:39
- Śmieszki - PL 03:27:40
- EDD MOUNTED - PL 03:28:07
- Drużyna Wesołego Fura - PL 03:29:28
- A ja wolę piwo - PL 03:29:28
- Bez Ładu i Składu - PL 03:29:50
- Halyna zrób mie tej kapucziny - PL 03:30:15
- twofloofycats - US 03:30:46
- LOST WORD - JP 03:33:23
- zadkemdoústsaurus - PL 03:34:57
- Zbiorowy udar mózgu - PL 03:35:39
- Pozdrawiam mamę - PL 03:35:40
- deculoabocasaurio - PL 03:37:07
- Panda Bandits - GB 03:37:26
- tymrazemsieuda - PL 03:38:01
- Hopium - US 03:38:16
- kozacka nazwa - PL 03:38:22
- Omeczki - PL 03:40:22
- Lamy z kosmosu - PL 03:41:26
- ꗃ VAI OPENED LOCK - US 03:41:36
- KłódkaTechniczna - PL 03:42:06
- SheepyShip - PL 03:42:31
- HardNuts1 - JP 03:43:11
- KAWA - PL 03:44:11
- Nomi Zomi - PL 03:44:37
- Audyt - PL 03:46:01
- In the face of a hedgehog - PL 03:46:08
- Easter Team - PL 03:46:57
- Drużyna ER - PL 03:47:55
- Cytrusy - PL 03:48:19
- Te Namolne Dzieciaki - PL 03:48:48
- Filigranowy Szezlong - CH 03:50:18
- Edyta&Co.+ - PL 03:51:29
- Tym razem nam się uda! - PL 03:52:15
- Hentai Rangers - PL 03:52:16
- Kreple - PL 03:52:22
- NieMaCzasu - PL 03:53:30
- Long Cat PanDa - JP 03:54:36
- Ta sama co zawsze - PL 03:56:36
- Tytani Solmyra - PL 03:57:22
- Łapserdaki - PL 03:57:56
- Pierwszorzędni - PL 03:59:43
- Unimaginative nonsense - GB 03:59:55
Wild card
One player (hey Wojtek!) reported to us that one of the puzzles had a second logical solution, which the game system did not accept. It was about the family tree puzzle. This is our mistake, which we did not catch during testing, for which we apologize. Everyone played the same version of the game, so the odds were equal, but we realize that this situation may have caused confusion during the game. We have therefore reviewed the logs for this. For the teams that at first tried the alternative solution, we subtracted the time they might have lost. Thus, we invite to the finals all teams whose final time from the competition after this recalculation is shorter than the results of the team in the hundredth position - according to the rules we award a wild card to these teams.
They are:
- K-dush2 MOKA
- HecticPuzzlers
- Les foufous d'énigmes
- #fitgeeks
- Laserowe Jednorożce
- Hercules
- Escape Rumours
- kluseczki
- Frescape Team
- JoBoTS
- LyonBreak
- Fighting Ferrets
- Zmęczeni życiem
- The Wagner Wagon
- Drużyna suchara
- Zagadkowi Koneserzy