Testing the online system
We invite all championship participants to take part in the great stress test of the ER Champ online system.
On August 29, 2020, the point and click game system will be tested. As a part of the test, we want to check the load capacity of the servers and optimization of the changes we introduced since last year.
How will the test look like?
It will be a short point and click escape room game. We estimate that it will take the teams about 10 minutes to complete this stage. The game has relatively simple puzzles. By the way, it also shows the style of this year’s competition and helps you get familiarized with the game interface.
How to join the test
To participate, you must have a team registered for the championship (you can do it here >> https://lock.me/erchamp) and check the same address for the test on August 29 at 16 UTC. Each person who takes part in the test will receive a special Lockme badge.