
Bonjour! My name is Johan and I like adventurer hats, hence my nickname IndianaJohan.
Basically, I'm a huge fan of puzzles, and for the past few years now, I've been creating games as well. To my surprise, I have even more fun creating games than playing them, and it has become my full time activity.
The adventures I organize are treasure hunts in Paris. These are "real world" escape games. Occasionally, I also like to publish puzzles on my networks (IndianaJohan and Un Trésor à Paris), but unfortunately, everything is in French.
My passion for puzzles led me to discover ER Champ, and I was immediately hooked. Both for the challenging aspect, with the stimulation of facing simultaneously a lot of teams, but also for the very pleasant multiplayer mechanics, and the quality of the puzzles. Now, I look forward to it every year. It is therefore with pleasure that I joined the ER Champ 2023 team to bring together a maximum of French teams in the competition!